Expanding The Conversation: Asian Americans in Media

Attended a great panel about Asian-American in Media on Wednesday.  It was hosted by the Center for Asian American Media (CAAM) and NBC Universal.  Here’s a link to a great article about it on Deadline and what was talked about:

Asian-Americans In Media: Persistence, Presence & Representation Are Keys To Progress

Aside from coming off as a crazy fanboy while chatting with Sandra Oh, I was really inspired by what all the panelists had to say about the importance of having more Asians both on screen and behind the camera.  The real world is very diverse, and the stories we tell on TV and film should reflect that.  Once we have more diverse execs and showrunners making key decisions, there will undoubtedly be a “ripple, ripple, ripple,” as Sandra put it.  And I was happy to hear that according to recent data, films with diverse casts make more money as a whole.  So the excuse that non-white leads don’t sell tickets (or get TV ratings) is officially bull shit!  Spread the word.