Tonight is the night! Be sure to catch an all new “Fresh Off The Boat” at 8:30pm on ABC! Thank you Angela Tortu for being such an amazing director and to the rest of the cast and crew for all their hard work!

Tonight is the night! Be sure to catch an all new “Fresh Off The Boat” at 8:30pm on ABC! Thank you Angela Tortu for being such an amazing director and to the rest of the cast and crew for all their hard work!
The promo for my #FreshOffTheBoat episode is up, check it out! Be sure to tune in this Friday, 11/15 at 8:30pm on ABC!
Super proud and excited to be part of the team bringing you season 6 of #FreshOffTheBoat. Be sure to watch the season premiere tonight (9/27) at 8:30|7:30c on ABC! Check out the promo below!
To quote Eddie Huang’s childhood heroes…
“Persistence and consistency is the best thing. As long as you keeping it real, and you keep trying, keep banging that wall and it will fall.”
-The Notorious B.I.G.
“Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.”
-Tupac Shakur
“If I were a painter, you’d be calling me Shaqcasso.”
-Shaquille O’Neal
Okay, maybe forget that last quote. Onto the big news… I am thrilled to announce that after years of hustlin’, I am joining the writing staff of “FRESH OFF THE BOAT!”
As a comedy writer and the son of Chinese immigrants, working on FOTB is a dream come true and I look forward to keepin’ it real for all my yellow fellows out there, both on screen and off.
Be sure to tune in Fridays this fall on ABC!
To any WGA members, execs, or producers interested in reading or referring me for staffing season, you can access my writing samples and view my references, credits, and contact info through my official WGA “Find A Writer” Profile Page linked below.
Thank you so much, looking forward to hearing from you!
Season 6 of “Trolls: The Beat Goes On!” is now streaming on Netflix! I had the privilege of writing 3 of the episodes — “Do The Biggie,” “Hug Fest,” and “The Partier’s Apprentice.” Be sure to check them out, especially if you like catchy songs, glitter farts and cartoon logic! I know I do!
To watch on Netflix, head on over to:
Thank you to the cast and crew for your hard work and making me look good! You rock! #ShamelessPlug #DWTrollsTV #Netflix
The trailer for Season 6 of “Trolls: The Beat Goes On” has dropped! Be sure to catch the new season on Netflix starting April 9th! You might recognize the name of some of the writers on it. 😉 #ShamelessPlug#DWTrollsTV#Netflix
This article is about a week old, but I just wanted to congratulate the eight writers admitted into this year’s CAPE New Writers Fellowship.
About ten years ago, CAPE helped me launch my writing career and I am forever grateful. I remain a huge supporter of CAPE and encourage anyone reading this to also become involved (especially if you identify as API or enjoy telling their stories).
For more on CAPE and what they’re all about, visit:
Also, thank you CAPE for the shout-out in the article, glad to have my name associated with such an amazing organization. Keep up the great work!
I’ll be speaking on tomorrow night’s WGA panel all about pitching, developing, and selling original pilots. If you’re a WGA member, I invite you to attend — you should have received an e-mail in recent weeks with an RSVP link.
Look forward to seeing you all there and dropping some knowledge… Or I’ll just nod along with the smart things other panelists say and enjoy a free bottled water. Whatevs.
For a look at the night’s program, click on the thumbnail below!